The American Dissident: Literature, Democracy & Dissidence

Submission Guidelines

Somos satíricos porque queremos criticar abusos, porque quisiéramos contribuir con nuestras débiles fuerzas a la perfección posible de la sociedad a que tenemos la honra de pertenecer. [We're satirical because we want to criticize abuses, because we'd like to contribute with our diminutive force to the possible perfection of society, to which we belong.] 
            —Mariano José de Larra


Send three poems (one-page max each), an essay (1,000-word max) and/or cartoons written in English, Spanish, or French stemming preferably from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE and INVOLVEMENT (write what you know!) and possibly (hopefully!) from CONFLICT WITH POWER, no matter how small or local. Do not be afraid to NAME NAMES, an excellent form of quality control.

DO NOT MENTION ego-bloating AWARDS, TITLES, PUSHTHECARTS, or PUBLICATIONS, but provide instead a short biography of personal dissident information, including what enabled you to neutralize indoctrination (leftist or right-wing) and perhaps even stood apart from friends or colleagues to “speak the rude truth in all ways” (Emerson).


EMAIL SUBMISSIONS ONLY FROM SUBSCRIBERS! Include an SASE. Consider subscribing or at least purchasing an issue: Subscription $18/year (individual), $20/year (institutional), and copies $9 each. The American Dissident is not publicly funded. The National Endowment for the Arts, Massachusetts Cultural Council, Concord Cultural Council, and Mid Cape Regional Cultural Council do not offer EQUAL OPPORTUNITY for public funding to all nonprofits.  And The American Dissident is indeed a 501c3 nonprofit!


Before sending a submission, read The American Dissident FOCUS. Be critical! The American Dissident not only brooks, but encourages and publishes criticism, especially regarding the editor, in each and every issue!  No other literary journal out there is willing to do that! Sections of this very website have been altered thanks to such criticism.  Below is the front cover of Issue #25, featuring little local emperors without clothes in Barnstable, MA. [Sturgis Library permanently banned me for criticism w/o warning or due process. Not one local emperor would lift a finger to help me lift Lucy Loomis' banning decree!]

The American Dissident





National Endowment for the Arts

Massachusetts Cultural Council